JAKARTA - The police said that the demonstration held at the Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, yesterday, ended in chaos. As a result, three police officers were injured.

Of the three injured victims, one of them is Gambir Police Chief, Kompol Rango Siregar.

"Three of our members have to undergo treatment," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komaruddin to reporters, Saturday, May 21.

Based on the results of the preliminary investigation, the riot occurred because the mass of action was infiltrated by certain groups. They provoked the masses until they finally pushed each other.

At that time, friction between the mass of action and the police as security officers occurred. Until finally, some members were trampled.

"Suddenly, groups were infiltrated by provoking groups, forcing their will to crash into the ranks of officers who were limiting the space between the general public and the action," said Komaruddin.

"They tried to hit our personnel who were restricting so that's where the friction occurred," he continued.

Currently, the three police officers who were injured are recovering, including the Gambir Sector Police Chief. However, one of them still needs intensive care. Because the injuries received are quite severe.

"Alhamdulillah, he has gradually recovered, only 1 currently has to get further action waiting for the X-ray results," said Komaruddin.

Previously, it was reported that Gambir Metro Police Chief Kompol Rango Siregar was the victim of a riot at the Horse Statue, Central Jakarta. This police officer had to get treatment because he was trampled by the rioters after the shoving took place.

After the rioting incident, the police finally arrested as many as 26 rioters outside the student group.

From the results of the temporary identification, the 26 people who were arrested were not students. The rioters were taken to the Polda Metro Jaya.

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