JAKARTA - Demonstrators from the Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) continue to stand out voicing the rejection of the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Act in the rain in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta. The demonstrators were met by government representatives.

President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) Special Staff Aminuddin Ma'ruf met with the demonstrators who had previously had rain, Friday, October 16. Aminuddin listened to the aspirations of the students but did not make a statement in front of the demonstrators.

In his oration, the demonstrators called the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin's government problematic. They gave Jokowi a red report card.

"Our struggle is not just today, we will continue in a year Jokowi-Ma'ruf," shouted the orator amidst the crowd of demonstrating students.

The orator afterwards voiced the student oath. It contains the determination of students who want to see justice.

"We swear students, speak one language without lies, a language without hypocrisy," the student's oath was voiced.

Stafsus President Jokowi meets demonstrators (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

They also mentioned the existence of Jokowi who did not want to meet students. Even though the students admitted that they wanted to convey their aspirations directly to President Jokowi.

"The BEM SI demonstrators survived and chose to disband after voicing the rejection of the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja.

The following are the demands and stance statements of the All Indonesia BEM Alliance in holding a demonstration today:

1. Urge the president to issue a Perppu in order to revoke the Job Creation Law which was passed on Monday, 5 October 2020

2. Condemn the government's actions that try to intervene in the people's movements and voices against the rejection of the Job Creation Law

3. Condemn the various repressive actions of the state apparatus against all mass actions

4. Inviting students from all over Indonesia to unite to continue to convey rejection of the Job Creation Law until the Job Creation Law is revoked and canceled.

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