MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor Bobby Nasution initiated the Smart Medan program. This program provides 1,000 scholarships for high achieving students to continue their studies including overseas.

"We will give 1,000 scholarships to outstanding students. The scholarship program can be used to study abroad," said Bobby Nasution, Friday, October 16.

The Medan Pintar Program includes Taman Baca, Creative Hub in 21 sub-districts of Medan as a space for expression. There is also adaptation and normalization of the learning system with digital innovation and transformation.

Then the acceptance of new students (PPDB) which is proportional and based on student achievement and the provision of free school buses for students.

"Education is one of the most important things to achieve progress. Through the Medan Pintar program, bang Aulia Rachman and I are determined to improve the quality of education for the nation's next generation. Their future is our collective responsibility, ”said Joko Widodo (Jokowi) son-in-law who has the Medan Berkah Collaboration tagline.

Bobby Nasution, who was Aulia Rachman in the Medan Pilkada, previously expressed his determination to make Medan a city of blessings. A combination of people, scholars and umara supports this idea.

"Bobby-Aulia for the people. Bismillah, the manifestation of the blessings of Medan City, we started through priority programs that reflect concern for the people. Bang Aulia and I will make this a success by promoting the spirit of collaboration or a fusion between the ummah, ulama and umara (government leaders), "said Bobby, Wednesday, October 14.

Through his Instagram account, bobbynst, Bobby Nasution uploaded a video regarding the current condition of the mosque, which should have a strategic role for the advancement of Muslim civilization.

In the video uploaded by Bobby Nasution, the function of the mosque is not only as a place of worship. But also as a center of education and social and economic functions.

Bobby-Aulia, the pair number 2 in the Medan Pilkada, revealed the lack of concern about economic management in houses of worship, especially mosques. In fact, according to Bobby, a mosque should be an economic driver.

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