JAKARTA - The Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) construction revitalization project, Cikini, Central Jakarta, has so far reached 38.37 percent in the first phase. The revitalization work has been running for 65 weeks.

The first phase of revitalization includes the renovation of the Amir Hamzah Mosque, a parking building and a fire department, a library and an art guesthouse.

In the second phase, the project will focus on the performance building, the Planetarium and the surrounding buildings, the open air theater, and regional infrastructure.

TIM Revitalization Project Manager, Tabah Noekman, said that in the first stage, the renovation work of the Amir Hamzah Mosque which is at the back of the TIM has been completed 100 percent.

"Thus, this mosque can be used by the surrounding community for worship," Tabah said in a written statement, Friday, October 16.

Then, the progress of parking buildings and fire stations reached 84.84 percent. Then, the library building and art guest house reached 16.90 percent.

Meanwhile, the progress of the second phase of TIM revitalization has not yet been carried out. This is because, said Tabah, the uniqueness of the type of building that is included in stage two is different from the building in the first stage.

For example, there are performance halls, cinemas, libraries, offices, guesthouses, and buildings

Education like a Planetarium.

"TEAM, if it is built in one phase, it is difficult because it is multi-building. Actually unique, because of all

There are elements in the TEAM, ranging from education, cultural arts, films, theater, and so on, "he concluded.

Got Protested

Since the revitalization started earlier this year, a number of artists often wrestle on the front page of the TIM every Friday afternoon. They are not in the arts, but rather staged an action against the construction of luxury hotels in the revitalization of the TIM.

At first this rejection was loudly voiced by several art activists in a discussion entitled "Where Do PKJ-TIM Will Be Taken?" which was held at the HB Jassin Documentation Center, TIM, on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. During the discussion, a number of artists rejected commercialization in the revitalization of the TIM.

A number of artists who are members of the Taman Ismail Marzuki Artists Forum (FSPTIM) are concerned about the increase in building rental prices and the culture of commercialization that will eventually grow in the area.

FSPTIM spokesperson, Noorca Massardi, considers that there are profit projections to be extracted from JakPro. Because, in the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Number 63 of 2019, Anies has assigned Jakpro to manage the infrastructure and facilities in the TIM after being revitalized.

It is certain, according to him, that Jakpro requires a large amount of money to replace the regional capital participation (PMD) that has been spent from the revitalization development to the maintenance costs of facilities in TIM to be returned to the regional treasury.

It is feared that Jakpro will take advantage by increasing the rental price of the Graha Bhakti Budaya (GBB) performance building after it is revitalized and the cost of lodging the art guesthouse to be built.

"That promise is just talk. All words cannot be accounted for. In fact, Governor Regulation 63 clearly states that Jakpro has managed a commercial area for 28 years. It is impossible for Jakpro not to make a profit," said Noorca, some time ago.

The discussion on the discrepancy in understanding the revitalization of the TIM is deadlocked at the DKI DPRD, so the DPR must summon DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to hear the case.

In a meeting on February 27 at the DPR Building, Anies promised that Jakpro would not commercialize the TIM area. This is because the management of art content that is held in the TIM area is held by the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) curatorial agency.

"Jakpro manages its infrastructure because it does not have the competence and track record in the arts. For artistic activities, the content is in the DKJ and the Culture Service," said Anies.

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