CIANJUR - The Maritime, Fisheries and Livestock Service (Dislutanak) of Cianjur cooperates with the police to supervise and examine fingernail disease (PMK) on livestock in the area.

The veterinary medic or Sub-coordinator of the Supervision of Import and Export of Animals and Animal Products (P3H) Dislutanak Cianjur, Kharisudin said the action was carried out even though PMK had not been confirmed in Cianjur.

"We immediately coordinated by gathering implementing units, including the management of the Slaughterhouse and the official animal husbandry hall, all of whom are tasked with carrying out routine supervision and inspections," he said in Cianjur, Thursday, May 19.

It was noted that from 1000 animals in a number of farms an inspection had been carried out, the results showed no indication of cases found in Cianjur, but farmers were advised to remain vigilant and report immediately if they found livestock with symptoms of FMD.

His party has also issued a circular to a number of farmers in Cianjur not to accept or buy livestock from Central Java and East Java because in both provinces it was found that FMD originated.

"We have coordinated with the transportation service and the Cianjur Police to help monitor and supervise the distribution of animals from outside the area at the border, especially ahead of the sacrificial festival because there is a lot of supply from outside the region," he said, as reported by Antara.

However, he hopes that this year's needs for sacrificial animals can be met from the existing stock at the breeders in Cianjur, as an effort to minimize the entry of livestock from outside the region such as Central Java and East Java, unless there is a shortage with a record of pocketing a SKH.

"We also recommend that farmers in Cianjur carry out disinfection of livestock regularly. We will deploy dozens of officers to carry out surveillance and inspections every day," he said.

He added that farmers should immediately report if their livestock had high fever, difficulty eating and excessive salivation. "When we find symptoms of FMD in livestock, we ask them to immediately report so that quick treatment can be carried out," he concluded.

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