KALBAR - Governor of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Sutarmidji inaugurated a number of officials within the local provincial government on Thursday 19 May. They are Primary High Leadership Officers who occupy the position of heads of regional apparatus organizations (OPD).

A number of Pratama High Leadership Officials who were inaugurated, among others, Drs Sugeng Hariyadi MM, who originally served as Head of the Education and Culture Office, took up a new position as Head of the Library and Archives Service of West Kalimantan Province.

Then Drs Raminuddin MSi, who originally served as Head of the Bureau of Procurement of Goods and Services, took up a new position as Head of the General Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of West Kalimantan Province.

Rita Hastarita SSos, MSi, who originally served as Head of the Organizational Bureau of the West Kalimantan Regional Secretariat, has taken up a new position as Head of the Education and Culture Office of West Kalimantan Province.

Yuline Marhaeni SSos, MSi, who originally served as Head of the West Kalimantan Library and Archives Service, has taken up a new position as Head of the West Kalimantan Province Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service.

Then, Dra Natalia Karyawati ME, who originally served as Head of the Provincial Library and Archives Service, took a new position as Expert Staff to the Governor of Law, Politics and Government of West Kalimantan Province.

On that occasion Sutarmidji asked all officials who were appointed today to continue to work well and professionally wherever assigned.

"Immediately evaluate and coordinate with previous officials to smooth and improve governance, continue to work professionally," he said.

Then, all officials within the West Kalimantan Provincial Government are expected to be able to improve, work quickly using valid data.

"For example, the status of independent villages which this year has reached 585 independent villages if it has been determined by the Minister (Development Villages for Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia). This is because we are working to look at the parameters and the judge is not us, but from the Ministry and I hope things like this become reference in work," he said.

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