SURABAYA - The number of victims who died due to a deadly accident on the Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road has increased to 15 people. One additional victim is a 12-year-old child.

"The victims who died were children aged 12 years, women. So a total of 15 passengers died," said Wadirlantas Polda Jatim, AKBP Didit Bambang Wibowo, Thursday, May 19.

Didit emphasized that the total number of passengers on the PO Ardiansyah bus was not 25 people, but 32 people. As a result of the accident, 15 of them died, 19 people were seriously injured, and one passenger was slightly injured.

"One of the victims who recently died suffered a head injury. We are sorry for the death of the victim of this deadly accident. We hope that the family will be given the courage and patience for this tragedy," he said.

It was previously reported that the tourism bus had a fatal accident at KM 712+400 line A of the Surabaya - Mojokerto toll road, at 06.15 WIB, Monday, May 16, 2022. As a result, 15 people were declared dead and dozens of others suffered serious injuries.

The vehicle involved in the accident was an Ardiansyah bus with Nopol S 7322 UW carrying 32 passengers. The bus driver is known as Ade Firmansyah.

The chronology of the incident began when the Ardiansyah bus with the number S 7322 UW was carrying approximately 25 passengers. The bus is known to depart from Yogyakarta to Surabaya.

The bus was traveling at a moderate speed in the slow lane. When arriving at km 712+200 /A, the vehicle swerved to the left and hit the VMS (Variable Message Sign) pole on the side of the toll road, causing it to roll over.

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