JAKARTA - The action against the Job Creation Law continues. This time, it is the turn of the Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) to stage a demonstration at the State Palace, Friday, October 16.

BEM SI member Andi Khiyar said in their action they urged President Joko Widodo to cancel the Job Creation Law by issuing a Government Regulation in Lieu of a Law (Perppu).

"Yes, it is true, tomorrow we will take action. The number of masses to date has been confirmed as many as 6,000," said Andi Khiyar to VOI , Jakarta, Thursday, October 15.

Andi ensured that the action that was to be carried out by his party would run peacefully, without causing chaos. Such as the recent rejection of the Job Creation Law.

"We expressed our attitude to detain and not be provoked. We came well to convey (the rejection of the Job Creation Law)," said Andi.

On this occasion he said that the action to be carried out by BEM SI had already informed the security forces. The notification letter was given by BEM SI representatives in Jakarta.

"We have already given notification to the police regarding tomorrow's action," he said.

Meanwhile, demonstrations against the Work Creation Law were held for the first time on October 8, to this day in a number of regions in Indonesia. Most of these actions have resulted in chaos.

The police even secured thousands of people across Indonesia who were involved in the rioting. Most of them were released and some of them were made suspects in cases of destroying facilities and attacking the security forces.

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