YOGYAKARTA South Korea is one of the countries that requires its people to take part in military service (immil). In fact, many idols are required to take the military if the terms and conditions have been met. The program, which was followed by Korean idols, made fans ask about the military for how long it took in Korea.

It should be noted that the military program in South Korea is part of defending the country which aims to mitigate war or other conditions that have the potential to threaten the country's sovereignty. This program must be followed by Korean men. After graduating from high school, they will first complete a year or two of their new lectures after that they join this program. However, there are also those who choose to postpone completing their graduation at a new university and then start military service.

Reporting from 90 Korean Day, the length of time a person's military service varies depending on various things, starting with which military branch he is chosen. For the military in the Army and South Korean Marines, the military will be held for 21 months, while the military in the Navy for 23 months, and the military in the Air Force is 24 months. South Korea plans to extend its military service period.

The duration of military service in South Korea is known for a long time. Korea is also included in the Asian state that implements military service. Even South Korea is included in the top 4 countries in the world with the longest military program.

While participating in the military, there are many activities that must be followed. The program contains various trainings ranging from physical to push-up, line-up, to shooting.

In addition, the military is also filled with soft skills training, one of which is trained to make speeches according to military standards with firm and authoritative character.

After a person is declared an adult man, who is 18 years old, he is obliged to join the military. However, the implementation can be postponed until the person is 28 years old. Postponement can be based on various factors such as health reasons, careers, jobs, and so on.

However, it should be noted that the Korean military can be excluded from someone under certain conditions, namely as follows.

Someone who has certain medical conditions will not be forced to take part in the military, but is allowed to complete his military duties through social work. However, if the illness he is suffering from is chronic, then the military is not obliged.

The exclusion of the military also applies to someone with extraordinary professions or roles such as scientists or athletes. Even athletes who have contributed medals at the international Olympics will be exempt from active military duty. They will instead be assigned as art and sports personnel recommended by the relevant Ministry.

That's the information regarding how long the military is in Korea. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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