JEPARA - The Jepara Regency Government (Pemkab) has made concessions to its citizens not to wear masks when in open areas where there are no crowds. The regulation is in accordance with President Joko Widodo's order recently.

"It should be remembered, when there is a large crowd, it is better to take care of yourself by wearing a mask," said Secretary of the Jepara Health Office, Muh Ali in Jepara, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, May 18.

Moreover, he said, the President's appeal only applies when outdoors or in an open area.

Meanwhile, for activities in closed rooms and public transportation, according to him, they are still asked to wear masks to avoid transmission of the disease caused by the new type of corona virus.

Likewise, people who have comorbidities are also asked to continue to wear masks. "For those who have a cough or cold, it would be nice to wear a mask so they don't pass it on to others," he said.

Actually, he said, when you are doing activities outside the room alone without anyone else you can take off your mask.

He also reminded the public not to abandon health protocols, starting from washing hands, maintaining distance, wearing masks and avoiding crowds.

Based on the page today (18/5), it is stated that Jepara Regency is in a low risk zone of corona virus transmission.

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