JAKARTA - The Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas reminded Hajj officials not to disappoint the pilgrims who were guests at the Baitullah during the Hajj season of 1443 H/2022 AD by providing the best service.
"This year's Hajj is the first time that pilgrims from outside Saudi Arabia can make the pilgrimage after two years of the pandemic. Don't disappoint Allah's guests," he said when opening the Technical Guidance of the Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizing Officer (PPIH) Year 1443H/2022M in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 18.
He said that as an officer, there are three aspects of organizing the Hajj that must be adhered to, namely coaching, serving, and protecting the congregation. All three must be able to be carried out by the congregation optimally.
"My message is, don't disappoint them. Make their pilgrimage this year their best experience. Make ourselves a supporting system to help prospective pilgrims achieve maximum satisfaction and be able to become a mabrur hajj. Do this as much as possible," he said.
The Minister of Religion, who is familiarly called Gus Yaqut, also reminded officers not to differentiate services for special Hajj or regular Hajj.
"As long as he is an Indonesian citizen, the service must be the same. Officers are not only required to have the ability but also the willingness that officers are here to provide services," he said.
Director-General of Hajj and Umrah at the Ministry of Religion Hilman Latief added that this year 1,901 officers will serve 100,051 members of the hajj pilgrims. while in Saudi Arabia. These officers consist of PPIH Kloter, PPIH Saudi Arabia, officers who are students in the Middle East, and supervisors.
He said the implementation of this year's hajj was different from the previous ones because the preparations were short, about 37 days, after the determination of the hajj quota by Saudi Arabia.
This year, the number of members of the congregation and officers was reduced compared to 2019 but there was an additional task, namely the addition of meals for members of the congregation from two to three meals while in Saudi Arabia.
"The time is very short, so we have to work extra, there are many things that need to be prepared. Although the congregation is reduced, this does not reduce our preparations for accommodation, transportation, consumption and others," said Hilman.
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