JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) hopes that political party officials (political parties) will become a bulwark for preventing corruption through the Integrated Smart Politics with Integrity (PCB) 2022 program.

"One manifestation of the efforts that the KPK has taken is through a program entitled Integrated PCB of 2022. Through this program, the leaders and administrators of political parties, both at the center and in the regions, are expected to become a bulwark for efforts to prevent corruption in their respective environments," said Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding in a statement, Wednesday, May 18.

Starting the 2022 Integrated PCB program, the KPK held an "executive briefing" to 20 leaders and administrators of political parties. The activity took place at the KPK's Red and White Juang Building, Wednesday.

Data on case handling as of January 2022, recorded 310 cases involving members of the DPR and DPRD, 22 cases involving governors, and 148 mayors/regents and representatives handled by the KPK. This figure, he said, contributed 35 percent of the total number of cases.

"In fact, these positions are carried out in a trustworthy manner because they have been chosen by the constituents. However, various surveys or indexes related to democracy or good and corruption-free political practices in Indonesia still show low numbers and even tend to continue to decline," he explained.

He explained that as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, political parties are the only instruments that play an important role in producing national and regional leaders and representatives of the people starting from the president, regional heads, and members of the DPR and DPRD with quality and integrity to lead and advance Indonesia.

For this reason, the KPK considers it necessary to make efforts to increase awareness and knowledge of anti-corruption, as well as to increase the integrity of political parties and all their administrators in order to avoid and stay away from corruption.

Furthermore, Ipi conveyed that after an "executive briefing" for political parties on Wednesday which will be attended by the chairpersons and general secretaries of political parties from both the central and regional levels (DPP, DPD/DPW, and DPC), the program will be continued with three other series of activities, namely first, providing anti-corruption for the administrators of each political party, both central and regional.

The activity will take place in the period May-August 2022 online and offline at the KPK Anti-Corruption Education Center Building, Jakarta.

"Second, electronic anti-corruption learning in the political sector. This activity will be followed by all political party administrators independently through the Anti-Corruption Education Center website, namely https://aclc.kpk.go.id," said Ipi.

Third, the KPK will invite members of political parties to contribute through anti-corruption movements within political parties. This activity will be carried out independently by each political party as a form of follow-up and commitment of political parties in efforts to eradicate corruption.

Meanwhile, the PCB program was organized by the KPK as a form of implementation of the mandate of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission Article 7 paragraph (1) letter d, namely planning and implementing a socialization program to eradicate corruption, especially in the political sector.

"KPK hopes that through this program it can encourage commitment to integrity and increase awareness of anti-corruption culture for political party administrators as well as in organizing general elections. KPK also invites internal political parties to implement action plans in conducting anti-corruption lessons," said Ipi.

The twenty political parties invited are the political parties participating in the 2019 general election registered with the General Election Commission (KPU), namely the People's Mandate Party (PAN), the Beringin Karya Party (Berkarya), the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). , the Democratic Party (PD), the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), the Indonesian Change Movement Party (Garuda), the Golkar Party (Golkar), the People's Conscience Party (Hanura), the Justice and Unity Party of Indonesia (PKPI).

Next, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), National Awakening Party (PKB), National Democratic Party (NasDem), Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo), United Development Party (PPP), Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), Aceh Party (PA), Aceh Regional Party (PD Aceh), Aceh Nanggroe Party (PNA), and Aceh People's Independent Voice Party (SIRA).

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