JAKARTA - The final draft of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law has arrived at the Palace to be signed by President Joko Widodo. The Job Creation Law drains a lot of energy because of the emergence of articles that are deemed to be detrimental to the point that it creates a wave of demonstrations in various regions.

Regional heads have to do extra work to face rejection of the Job Creation Law. Some even had to form a 'joint' team to review the Job Creation Law which the demonstrators considered was detrimental to workers and laborers.

Indeed, these governors have participated in a limited working meeting by teleconference with President Jokowi on Friday, October 9 or one day after the rioting occurred in many areas.

"In a closed meeting I will emphasize why we need a Job Creation Law," said Jokowi in his statement, Friday, October 9.

"The Job Creation Law aims to provide as many jobs as possible for job seekers and unemployed people," said Jokowi affirming.

From here the regional heads try to understand the draft Omnibus Law. The Ministry of Home Affairs has submitted a final draft for study by the regional head with the aim of socializing the Job Creation Law to be effective.

North Sumatra Governor Edy Receives 'Goods'

The task of studying the final draft of the Job Creation Law is also a priority for the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi. After calming down the demonstrators on Tuesday, October 13, Edy admitted that he had received the final draft of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. The Governor of North Sumatra will gather several related parties to review the Job Creation Law.

"We discussed this draft, I got it. Tomorrow we will gather all the elements of the nation's children in North Sumatra. We sit down, we share this," said Edy at his official residence in Medan, Wednesday, October 14.

"Then, we make sure what to study, learn the essence of the draft of this work creation law. We give it a few days, because this is quite a lot, there are 800 pages," continued Governor Edy.

The discussion of the Job Creation Law will later focus on examining the advantages and disadvantages of the Omnibus Law on the welfare of the people of North Sumatra. He made sure that the discussion was carried out proportionally.

"Each of these elements will discuss the pros and cons if this law is faced with the welfare of the people of North Sumatra. Not a political story, we will tell a story about socio-culture," he explained.

From that discussion, Edy will forward the results of the review to the central government as suggestions and input before being signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Therefore, residents of North Sumatra were asked to refrain from holding demonstrations until the discussion of the Job Creation Law was over.

"Don't demo first, we'll discuss first, then clear the demo. If the important thing is the demo will be unclear," said Edy.

East Java Governor Khofifah Forms Team

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa formed a team from various elements of society to review the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law. Khofifah wants the district / city Manpower Office to disseminate the Job Creation Law to the public so that there is no confusing information about the law.

"I hope the regencies / cities can balance this law so that it is fully understood, not piecemeal and ultimately biased," said Khofifah, Wednesday, October 14.

Khofifah admitted that he was still studying the details of the Job Creation Law. Especially the articles which have been considered detrimental to workers and laborers such as severance pay as well as the right to leave.

"The point is how this law can be fully understood and there is no disinformation," he said.

Khofifah hopes that the results of the study can straighten out information related to the Job Creation Law. From here, socialization can be conveyed to the public.

"The hope is that there will be more elements of society who can help socialize the Job Creation Law after analyzing and understanding it comprehensively, it will be more significant to reduce disputes and explain the details between the correct narrative and the hoax narrative," said Khofifah.

Governor of South Sulawesi Prof. NA Explains the Good Side of the Omnibus Law

Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Nurdin Abdullah explained an important point in the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law which he thought was good. This explanation was conveyed by Prof. NA — Nurdin Abdullah's nickname — directly to the workers demonstrating in his office.

The good side of the Omnibus Law explained by Prof. NA, including free permits for micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM). Then, the establishment of a Limited Liability Company (PT) is no longer required to deposit a certain amount of money before being granted a permit.

Third, the establishment of a cooperative is not required to have multiple members as a condition of being granted a permit to build a cooperative.

Likewise for trade unions, Prof. NA said that workers would receive special protection regarding severance pay.

According to him, companies that did not pay severance pay previously were only subject to civil sanctions. Meanwhile, the Omnibuslaw Law is directly subject to punishment.

"You have to know, if the company did not pay severance pay, it was a civil law, but with this Omnibuslaw law, severance pay is not paid, it will be punished. That strengthens," said Nurdin, quoted by Antara , Monday, 12 October.

South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah meets the demonstrators (DOK. Antara)

He said that there was indeed a reduction in severance pay, from 32 times the current salary to 25 times the current salary. According to him, the reduction in the amount of severance pay is to reduce the burden on the company, but the insurance will cover the remaining payments that are not paid by the company.

"Of course, we have to understand this severance pay, that those who are laid off are given 32 times their salary, then drop to 25 times, to ease the burden on employers," he said.

"But the rest is the state's obligation to add through insurance. So we actually want to learn from the birth of this omnibuslaw. Indeed, not all of them can be accommodated," continued Nurdin.

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