JAKARTA - The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday 15 May condemned the Israeli court's decision to approve the cable car project in the occupied East Jerusalem.

The foreign ministry statement called the cable car project an "integral part of Israel's Judaization campaign in Jerusalem with the aim of disposing of their Palestinian, Islamic and Christian identities," he said.

"The court's decision is another proof that the court system is part of the Israeli occupation to serve their settlement and Judaization plans," the foreign ministry said.

It will appeal to the United States government and the international community to pressure Israel to stop the project in the occupied city.

Israel's Supreme Court on Sunday rejected a petition against the construction of the project stretching more than 1.4 km from the Mount of Olives area to Al-Maghariba Gate, one of the main gates of Jerusalem's Old City, near the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem, where the Al Aqsa Mosque compound is located, during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

Israel then seized the entire city in 1980 and this act has never been recognized by the world.

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