PALEMBANG - The Palembang City Health Office, South Sumatra noted, the coverage of the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination reached 85.75 percent or as many as 1,194,576 people from 1,412,064 targets.

Spokesperson for COVID-19 of the Palembang City Health Service, Yudhi Setiawan said, the total coverage of the COVID-19 vaccination consisted of the category of human resources for health workers as many as 19,827 (136.80 percent), public officers as many as 157,799 (177.40 percent), the public elderly as many as 76,849 (59.80 percent).

Then the category of vulnerable and general people 639,480 (74.59 percent), adolescents 167,378 (110.51 percent), children 110,437 (64.60 percent), pregnant women as many as 169 and the mutual cooperation category as many as 23,176.

"The achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in Palembang continues to increase," he said, quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 15.

Yudhi said that of the total target number of 1,412,064, 1,103,393 or 71.69 percent of them had received the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 229,404 or 22.98 percent of people received the third dose of vaccine.

People who have not been vaccinated are asked to visit the sub-district health centers, hospitals and port health offices in Palembang.

He appealed to the people of Palembang to immediately vaccinate in order to create immunity.

Meanwhile, he said, as of Saturday (14/5) Palembang had no positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 or zero.

"Palembang is currently still implementing PPKM at Level three with a low-risk spread or yellow zone for 18 sub-districts, so that compliance with health protocols never slackens," concluded Yudhi.

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