Cyclists In Makassar Were Grabbed By Their Cellphones, The Perpetrators Were Arrested
Illustration / Pixabay

JAKARTA - Huduli Hudri was grabbed while cycling on Jalan Sulawesi, Makassar. The victim's cellphone was stolen, but the perpetrator was immediately arrested.

"The perpetrator named Ismail was arrested today, his job was to deliver gallons," said Makassar Port Police Chief AKBP Kadarislam confirmed by VOI , Wednesday, October 14.

The perpetrator took action on Tuesday, October 13 using a motorcycle. The perpetrator approached the victim who was cycling with his partner and immediately took the cellphone.

At that time the perpetrator fell and was immediately secured. The perpetrator was taken to the police station. The perpetrator was charged under Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft.

"The victim of a bank employee has made a report to the police," said Kadarislam, who is usually called Iccang.

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