MAKASSAR - Candidate for Mayor of Makassar, Syamsu Rizal campaigned in Tamalate District, Makassar. In front of residents, Deng Ical emphasized his goal of advancing in the Makassar Pilkada.

"We go forward and strive to fix Makassar. We want to serve. Because this city has been victorious, "said Deng Ical, Wednesday, October 14.

The glory of Makassar in the era of the Mayor of Makassar, Ilham Arief Sirajuddin. Economic growth at that time received praise from Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

In the past, Makassar has also won its glory in the XV to XVIII centuries. Makassar City is one of the ten largest trading ports in the world.

"Those victories are what we want to return. Of course, by not leaving local wisdom behind, "said Deng Ical.

Because of that, Deng Ical invited the residents and the whole team to fight as much as possible.

"Regarding the results, there is someone who has more power to determine. We must not force something that is against our will. But our job is to use all our potential and resources to achieve the best results in the struggle, "he added.

Deng Ical also mentioned the 2018 Pilkada, when he canceled being a contestant. At that time he was indeed asked to step down and give opportunities to the candidates who were fighting at that time. Backwards requests to pool potential.

"However, the result was that the empty box won. The people prefer that over the existing candidates, so the momentum of the Pilkada this time is the right time for us to win and win people's votes, "said Deng Ical.

Doctor Fadli: We'll Prove it at TPS Later

Meanwhile, the candidate for deputy mayor of Makassar number three, Fadli Ananda, responded to the rampant results of the Makassar Pilkada survey which showed that he was not the favorite. Fadli considered it normal in politics, the important thing was to win the voting at the polling stations.

Doctor Fadli - his nickname, emphasized that Dilan, his package with Syamsu Rizal alias Deng Ical at the 2020 Pilwalkot Makassar, remains confident that he will be able to win the battle. The Nahdlatul Ulama management adheres to the facts in the field, where the mass base of the doctor and doctor pair is very large and solid. Both the volunteer community and the supporting political parties are getting more compact in gathering support.

"Ordinary, the results of the survey tend to be more and more coming out before the election. Of course we have to appreciate it, especially if it is done scientifically and without being entrusted. However, whatever the survey results, whether to win or lose does not determine, which is the reference. the voices of the residents, so let's prove it at the TPS later, "said Fadli, Wednesday, October 14.

Candidate for Deputy Mayor of Makassar, Fadli Ananda

Fadli does not believe in the results of the survey, but the survey does not determine victory. Moreover, according to him, the facts in the field are different from the survey results.

"Alhamdullilah, Dilan's support continues to multiply even though the survey results say there is a downward trend. We don't know how the data collection method is, but whatever it is, we still respect every survey result, win or lose," explained the owner of RSIA Ananda.

Doctor Fadli admitted that the survey results that put Dilan in the underdog position made him more motivated to work harder. Even though they already have a strong mass base in the field, they do not want to be careless.

"We take the positive side, the survey results from a number of institutions serve as a reminder for the Dilan team to work harder. We don't want to be limited to winning in the survey but losing at the polling station. God willing, Dilan with the support of the community will emerge as the winner," said Fadli.

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