JAKARTA - Gerindra politician Arief Poyuono assesses that the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, is the most prepared figure to run as a presidential candidate (Capres) in the presidential election or the 2024 presidential election.

This analysis was conveyed by Arief after seeing Airlangga's meeting with PPP chairman Suharso Monoarfa and PAN chairman Zulkifli Hasan, as well as the visit of Democrat General Chair Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

"This is a step of 'checking out' and an open step for other candidates for president, where Airlangga is the most prepared figure to run in the 2024 presidential election," said Arief Poyuono in a statement received by VOI, Saturday, May 14.

The general chairman of the State-Owned Enterprises United FSP said that Airlangga was the most prepared, even though he did not like to make public images, and had never used populism as other presidential candidates did.

According to Arief Poyuono, the meeting with a number of political party leaders could mean that Airlangga could become a symbol of unity for the Indonesian nation.

What's more, the meeting was an effort to end the virus of division and hatred that plagued the community as a result of the two presidential elections between Jokowi and Prabowo.

"To be honest, people are getting fed up with figures who use populism and identity politics strategies to increase the popularity and electability of the candidates for the presidential candidates," said Arief.

The former Gerindra Deputy Chairperson assessed that the people did not need a leader who liked imagery but the results were zero. In addition, the public is also smart and can get information about the figures for the 2024 presidential candidates who have the potential to divide society and have zero achievements, and the people's performance is not felt by the people.

In the current situation, Arief assessed that the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga was difficult to compete with because he was the central figure who was given a full mandate by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to repair and restore the community's economy due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, now the results are starting to be seen as evidenced by the positive growth of the national economy above global economic growth.

According to him, this is evidenced by the controlled inflation rate, the absence of banking and financial crises, as well as the declining unemployment rate.

"It is not impossible if he runs as a presidential candidate, Airlangga will win in the 2024 presidential election later. He is difficult to beat by his competitors," said Arief Poyuono.

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