ACEH - A total of 29,100 doses of one and two COVID-19 vaccines have been obtained by school-aged children 6-11 years old in West Aceh Regency. The data was recorded since mid-January 2022.

"Alhamdulillah, the achievement of vaccination for children aged 6-11 years in West Aceh is very encouraging," said Head of the West Aceh District Health Office, Syarifah Junaidah in Meulaboh, quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 14.

He detailed that there were a total of 20,547 children aged 6-11 years in West Aceh targeted to receive the COVID-19 vaccine this year.

Of this total, he said, 17,965 children or 87.4 percent had received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination, and 11,135 children or 54.2 percent had received the second dose of vaccination.

However, due to the limited availability of vaccines, the vaccination process for school-age children in Aceh Barat has not been able to continue for the time being.

His party will resume vaccination if the stock of COVID-19 vaccine in West Aceh is available again.

"We have submitted the request for the vaccine to the Aceh Provincial Health Office," said Syarifah.

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