GORONTALO - A veterinarian from the Quarantine Center (Barantan) of Gorontalo Province, Kristina Dwi Wulandari, said that mouth and nail disease (PMK) that attacks livestock will not be transmitted to humans.

"This virus is not a zoonosis, so it will not spread to humans," said Kristina, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 13.

However, the rate of transmission from one animal to another is very high and can reach 100 percent, it can even cause economic losses.

"Livestock is a source of food, especially since Gorontalo Province can be called a source of livestock because it often sends cattle for supplies to East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan," he said.

It was also explained that FMD is a disease caused by a virus. This disease attacks the digestive organs and nails.

"It can be seen from the wounds in the oral cavity, it can be on the tongue, on the lips, then on the gums and on the roof of the mouth," he said.

If any breeder sees such an injury, he urges them to report it immediately.

Previously, the Gorontalo Province Quarantine Center (Barantan) coordinated with the local government, police, and related agencies as well as service users to prevent oral and nail diseases from entering livestock.

Head of Barantan Gorontalo Muhammad Sahrir said that the meeting was to increase awareness of increasing livestock traffic control, communication, and education.

"This mouth and nail disease has attacked several areas. Therefore, all parties must keep Gorontalo free from FMD," said Sahrir.

FMD preparedness and vigilance by tightening supervision of the importation of ruminants, namely cattle, buffalo, goats, and sheep and their products from infected areas based on the results of risk analysis studies.

Furthermore, increasing cooperation and coordination with related parties in the implementation of supervision, improving communication, education, and information related to FMD risks at regional entrances.

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