KALIMANTAN - As many as 400 head of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) cattle are threatened with cancellation from entering Kalimantan due to the discovery of cases of mouth and nail disease (FMD) in Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan.

The cattle entrepreneur and Director of UD Terrobos, Yohanes Laka, said that 200 cows from his farm were allowed to be sent to Samarinda, East Kalimantan because the area is still free of PMK.

"But if there is a case in East Kalimantan, I will not be able to send hundreds of cows that belong to me and I will definitely lose," he said, sometimes in his cows, Friday, May 13.

According to him, the outbreak of FMD is very detrimental to cattle entrepreneurs who have been sending cows out of NTT to meet the needs of beef in a number of areas.

Based on the Antara report, NTT itself sends cattle to a number of areas in Indonesia, such as to DKI Jakarta and also to Kalimantan.

Now the area that is still free from PMK is DKI Jakarta, so so far there have been no problems in the shipping process using the Cemara Nusantara sea toll ship.

However, if you use a cargo ship, you have to pass through East Java, so cattle entrepreneurs in NTT admit that they have to pay more so that the ship goes directly to Jakarta.

Apart from those in Kupang, Yohanes said that his 600 cows from Wini, North Central Timor Regency (TTU) for Kalimantan were also in danger of not being shipped.

Meanwhile, the head of the NTT Animal Quarantine Center, Yulius Umbu H, when contacted from Kupang, also said that a number of cows from NTT were in danger of being sent to Kalimantan because of the outbreak.

"Automatically it can't be sent. This morning I just got the ban letter," he said.

Until now, based on reports from the NTT Animal Quarantine Center, there are still no cases of PMK.

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