JAKARTA - The group of workers who held an action in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, met representatives of the palace, namely the two Deputy Chiefs of Staff of the President to voice their demands.

The demands of the workers in today's demonstration are demanding the welfare of workers, rejecting the revision of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the formation of legislation because it is considered to have legalized the Omnibus Law.

The workers also asked the Labor cluster to return to the substance of Law No. 13 of 2003, and rejected the revision of Law No. 21 of 200 concerning Trade Unions/Labour Unions.

After meeting with the Palace, the President of the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) Andi Gani Nena Wea gave an ultimatum to the government and the DPR to respond to their demands.

If these demands are not followed up within 7 days, Andi Gani threatened that the workers would again hold demonstrations in large numbers.

"If the government and the DPR do not respond to our demands, we will double our strength in the next 7 days. We will hold a major action after May 14 again with full force to the DPR RI after they pass the recess period," Andi said when met at the Statue area. Horse, Thursday, May 12.

Andi said that in the meeting of the labor delegation with the Deputy of KSP, they received a positive response. The government, he said, would provide an answer within the next three days.

"Because the President (Jokowi) is currently in America, the President's Chief of Staff (Moeldoko) is in Subang, and two deputies have received them directly. The response is quite positive and will immediately provide an answer within the next three days," explained Andi.

Currently, the labor group has left the action site. Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, which was previously closed with barbed wire, will reopen in the near future.

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