BATAM - The Riau Islands Regional Police formed a Supervision Task Force (Satgas) to prevent the spread of the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in livestock in the local area.

"We will move quickly by forming a Supervision Task Force. The task force will be under the auspices of the Special Criminal Directorate (Ditkrimsus) of the Riau Islands Police," said Head of Public Relations of the Riau Islands Regional Police Kombes Pol Harry Goldenhardt in Batam, Thursday, May 12. district/city.

"So, we have been asked to help monitor the development of the FMD outbreak in livestock. We will immediately hold a working meeting for the formation of the task force,” he said.

The formation of this Task Force is an instruction from the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit some time ago. This task force was formed to prevent the spread of oral and nail disease outbreaks in livestock.

In Batam, the active case of PMK has not been found. "It has not been found, but we have checked and disseminated to the public and traders who sell beef and others," said Head of the Batam Food and Agriculture Security Service, Mardanis.

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