JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria wants people to buy and use electric cars. Riza also wants the official car of the DKI Provincial Government to use an electric car.

Riza's wish, if carried out, is the implementation of the Jakarta Langit Biru program initiated by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. So far, the DKI Provincial Government has launched dozens of electric-powered Transjakarta buses.

"Alhamdulillah, we have launched 30 Transjakarta buses using electric buses. In the future, hopefully, official cars and public cars will also use electric cars," said Riza at City Hall, Wednesday, May 11.

Riza said that the massive use of electric cars in Jakarta is not impossible. Considering that in other countries, such as a city in Switzerland, there has been a ban on crossing except for electric vehicles.

The chairman of the DPD Gerindra DKI is aware that the price of electric vehicles is quite expensive at the moment. However, Riza views electric vehicles as necessary to reduce the high air pollution in the capital, one of which is caused by motor vehicle fumes.

"Of course, it's not easy because the price of electric cars is still expensive, it needs a process. However, this is a high price we have to pay for our health, clean, healthy air. Moreover, we know that right now in this world there is a new epidemic, a new virus that must be overcome. We'll deal with it together," he explained.

Furthermore, Riza also revealed that the implementation of Formula E in Ancol on June 4 includes the commitment of the DKI Provincial Government to implement the Jakarta Langit Biru program.

"This activity is not only a Formula E competition activity, but actually this is a form of our commitment to the Blue Sky program. So, we want our air to be clean, healthy, one of which will use electric cars in the future," he added.

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