JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil revealed that Depok City is not included in the COVID-19 red zone. The area is now an orange zone.

Kang Emil, his nickname, said that based on data.covid19.go.id, the risk status of Depok City as of 11 October 2020 is orange or has left the red zone.

"Good news, today Depok City is no longer in the red zone but is orange . Hopefully in the future, it will not slip into the red zone again," Ridwan Kamil said in Depok, as reported by Antara Tuesday.

Therefore, Ridwan Kamil asked for the participation of stakeholders with Depok residents to work hand in hand against the spread of COVID-19.

He said that elements of society can contribute by campaigning for health protocols in their respective environments.

Kang Emil highlighted aspects of the family cluster where the transmission rate is quite high. Therefore, he appealed to residents who confirmed positive without symptoms to be willing to be isolated in hospitals or other state facilities that have been designated.

"In this way the family cluster case can be reduced or reduced," said Kang Emil.

He also explained that the economic policies that are applied can change. It depends on the situation and conditions of the spread of COVID-19 in Depok City.

"Our decision is based on data. Moreover, the conditions for the spread of COVID-19 are still volatile. Therefore, policies regarding economic improvement must also be in line with the health aspect," he said.

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