PONTIANAK - The Pontianak City Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested a man with the initials U (36) who was caught red-handed stealing several charity boxes at a mosque in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan.

"The arrest of suspect U began with public complaints related to the theft of charity boxes inside the mosque and the viral news of the theft of charity boxes in several mosques in the jurisdictions of West Pontianak and South Pontianak," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Pontianak Police, Kompol Indra Asrianto. Between, Tuesday, May 10.

He explained that the suspect had committed the crime of theft with a weight as referred to in Article 363 of the Criminal Code.

After conducting a series of investigations by studying some CCTV footage and coordinating with personnel from the Jatanras Polsek of South Pontianak, the personnel of Jatanras Polresta Pontianak managed to secure suspect U, who was first secured by the Baitulrahman Mosque management on Jalan Tanjung Pura, South Pontianak.

After that, U was interrogated, which resulted in him admitting that he had committed the theft of charity boxes in a number of mosques, he said.

"So far there have been seven crime scenes (cases) that were acknowledged by suspect U, namely the Sirajul Munir Mosque on Jalan Komyos Sudarso, West Pontianak District; then the Al-Ikhwan Mosque in the Pemda Complex, West Pontianak District twice; Nurul Islam Mosque on Jalan Tanjung Pura in front of the intersection of Jalan Hijas, South Pontianak District; Surau on Jalan Padat Karya, South Pontianak District; Nurul Jannah Mosque, Gang Klantan, West Pontianak District; and Al-Mustaqim Mosque on Karet Street, West Pontianak District," he said.

He added that his party also continued to develop the statement of suspect U, because according to his confession, the suspect also acted in the Kubu Raya Regency area.

Suspect U is a resident of Jalan Sultan Alaudin, Bumi Permata Hijau Complex, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi or Jalan Mahakam, Central Market Complex, Pontianak City. From the results of the interrogation that the proceeds from the theft of the charity box were used by the perpetrators to use methamphetamine drugs.

"The suspect is a resident outside West Kalimantan Province. From the results of the interrogation, the person concerned has just returned from becoming a PMI (Indonesian Migrant Worker) in 2020 and is currently in Pontianak with a place of residence that moves," he said.

At the last location, the suspect took money from the charity box in the amount of Rp. 1.5 million. "The suspect was threatened with Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a threat of seven years in prison, and currently the suspect and evidence are being held at the Pontianak Police Headquarters Rutan for further investigation and investigation," he said.

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