JAKARTA - Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardhani, ministers remain upright in carrying out President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) agenda despite facing the 2024 political year.

According to Jaleswari, quoted from a press release received in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 10, this performance is in accordance with the mandate of Law (UU) No. 39 of 2008 concerning the Ministry of State which states that ministers are assistants to the president, even the appointment and dismissal are carried out by the president. .

"The appointment and dismissal of ministers is also carried out by the president and to a certain degree depends entirely on the prerogative of the president. Therefore, it is appropriate for the minister to be obedient and upright to be disciplined in carrying out the president's agenda," said Jaleswari quoted from Antara.

Apart from being an assistant to the president, referring to Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration, ministers also have the capacity as government officials.

In the context of these regulations, there are corridors that the minister must comply with in exercising his authority. Among other things, the prohibition of making and/or making decisions and/or actions when there is a potential conflict of interest with a fairly wide spectrum of backgrounds, including those related to personal interests.

Apart from the legal dimension, said Jaleswari again, there is also a political and ethical dimension that can be used as a reference in looking at the position of ministers, so they should help carry out the presidential agenda to the fullest.

"With great authority, which is not only given by laws and regulations, but also entrusted by the president directly, it is fitting that the position of minister is used to the maximum extent possible to assist the running of the president's agenda," he said.

He also added that ministers in assisting the presidential agenda should not have pragmatic and personal goals for the sake of interests that are pragmatic and personal or lead to conflicts of interest, but for the progress of the country and the welfare of the people.

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