GARUT - The joint SAR team is still searching for a missing tourist in the Sayang Heulang Waterfall using a rubber boat to the middle of the ocean in the waters of Garut Regency, West Java, Sunday, May 8. looking for a tourist Bayu Aditya (21) who disappeared drowned in the waterfall area of Sayang Heulang Beach, Pameungpeuk District, Garut, Thursday, May 5. which were divided into two teams looking for victims using rubber boats or LCR into the middle of the ocean, and one team searching along the coast. belonging to Polair in the Santolo Beach area. "Land sweeping around the initial incident location reached the beach Karang Papak is 3.3 km away," he said as quoted by Antara. Bagus conveyed that the search process by boat was facing weather problems and strong winds that could endanger officers in the field. The search for victims by boat, he said, could only be carried out until noon. , the search can be carried out until the afternoon if the weather conditions at sea are considered safe. "If the weather permits, sweeping using the LCR can be continued until the afternoon," he said. Previously, the victim and her friend, Risa Aditya, fell while crossing the estuary current at Sayang Heulang Beach. The border with Santolo Beach. However, Risa's victim was rescued, while another victim drowned and her whereabouts are unknown. The joint search team consisted of the Bandung SAR Office (Tasikmalaya SAR Post), Garut BPBD, Garut Air Pol, Garut Fire Service, Garut Rebana, Pangandaran Navy Post, Sigab Persis, and Tagana Garut.

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