JAKARTA - A number of labor unions that are members of the National Welfare Movement (Gekanas) such as KSPI, KSPSI, FSP LEM SPSI, and several other unions will again hold demonstrations against the Job Creation Law.

Chairman of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal said this action was a follow-up action from what had been carried out last October 6 to 8. Said guaranteed that this follow-up action would run peacefully.

"The 32 confederations of labor unions will continue their actions again that are measured and directed in accordance with the constitution. With this, I declare that labor actions should not lead to violence, should not cause riots," Said Iqbal during a webinar discussion, Monday, October 12.

Said Iqbal emphasized that if there is a potential for rioting in this follow-up action, the trade union leadership will coordinate with the police in the field to prevent potential clashes.

"Whenever we see the potential for riots and violent anarchist acts, of course we will coordinate with law enforcement officials in the field," said Said.

According to him, demonstrations by workers are a way to convey their aspirations. This is regulated in Law Number 9 of 1998, as well as Law Number 21 of 2004 which states that strikes are a function of trade unions.

However, the timing of the action of the trade unions that are members of Gekanas has yet to be determined. Because, said Said Iqbal, his party would wait for the Job Creation Act to be passed by President Joko Widodo.

"For this time we are really waiting for the original draft and we will study it first," he said.

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