JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, was touched to hear Ustaz Arrazy Hasyim's lecture calling his grandfather and the 1st President of Indonesia Soekarno as waliyullah or wali Allah. In the Qur'an, it means one who draws near and helps Allah's religion.

Puan said that so far there have been a number of scholars who in their lectures tell about Bung Karno in terms of his religious spirituality.

These clerics assessed that Bung Karno's struggle for the Indonesian nation was a form of the dedication of the Proclaimer of Indonesian Independence to God Almighty.

"Among the lectures, what touched me was when I listened to Ustaz Arrazy's lecture, which said that Bung Karno was a waliyullah," said Puan in a written statement, Friday, May 6.

He considered that Ustaz Arrazy's view of his grandfather could be a reference for anyone who wants to know about Bung Karno's spirituality and religion.

"Because there are still Indonesian people who have been consumed by de-Soekarnoization efforts. In fact, there are those who slander Bung Karno by accusing him of being hostile to the ulama," he added.

In a video lecture uploaded on social media, Arrazy assessed that Soekarno was a leader who always remembered Allah SWT. This can be seen from Soekarno's statement that Indonesia's independence was a blessing from God's grace.

"Bung Karno, when he liberated this country, he said by the grace of Allah. Even though he fought desperately to enter prison, get out of prison, be exiled; he did not say just by fighting, but starting with in the name of Allah," said the cleric who is familiarly called Arrazy that.

Arrazy even called Soekarno a waliyullah. "That is the symbol of Bung Karno's guardianship. We forgot this, we think the founder of this nation is not a guardian. His guardian (Soekarno), sir, waliyullah," said the cleric from Payakumbuh, West Sumatra.

Therefore, Arrazy considered Soekarno very fond of the ulama in Indonesia during his life. He was also surprised that now there are a number of parties who vilify and accuse Soekarno of being an anti-Islam figure.

"Well, how come now someone is studying history mocking Soekarno. This is serious, sir," he said.

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