KEPRI - Riau Islands Province (Kepri) recorded a new finding of one COVID-19 case in Natuna Regency. Natuna is known to have had zero active cases of COVID-19.

"Hopefully this COVID-19 positive patient will recover soon," said the spokesperson for the Riau Islands COVID-19 Task Force, Dr Tjetjep Yudiana, in Tanjungpinang, quoted from Antara, Friday, May 6.

He explained that the total number of active cases in Riau Islands was 14 people after adding one new case in Natuna.

Apart from Natuna, there are eight active COVID-19 cases in Riau Islands, in Tanjungpinang, two in Bintan, and three in Karimun.

"On average, patients are old, hopefully they will recover soon so that the area has zero active cases," he said.

So far, according to him, the Anambas Islands Regency, Lingga Regency and Batam City have maintained zero active cases of COVID-19. Anambas has had no active COVID-19 cases for more than three weeks, while Lingga has no active cases for more than a week, and Batam recently has zero active COVID-19 cases.

"Potential Anambas are designated as Green Zones if there are no active cases for a month," he said.

All regencies and cities in Riau Islands are still in the Yellow Zone or the risk of transmission is low.

"We are optimistic that all regions in Riau Islands will become Green Zones along with increasing body immunity through COVID-19 vaccination," he said.

He appealed to all elements of society to remain consistent in implementing health protocols, especially during activities.

"Population activity is getting higher, so we must together take care of ourselves, apply health protocols," he concluded.

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