JAKARTA - Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain caused dozens of houses to have their roofs damaged and one house collapsed and a number of trees fell in the Umbulharjo District, Yogyakarta, Thursday afternoon.

"Rain accompanied by strong winds occurred at around 15.00 WIB which caused some damage, such as flying roofs, houses that collapsed and trees fell. Most of the damage is the roof of the flying house," said Head of Yogyakarta City BPBD Nur Hidayat in Yogyakarta, Thursday.

According to him, the main need for early handling of the damage caused by the hydrometeorological disaster is a tarpaulin to cover the damage to the roof.

Nevertheless, Nur Hidayat ensured that there were no casualties from the incident.

"Residents whose houses were badly damaged have temporarily evacuated to their relatives' homes," he told Antara.

The Yogyakarta City BPBD noted that one semi-permanent house in Miliran collapsed.

As for the fallen tree and blocking road access, Nur continued, the officers immediately handled it so that it would not disturb the traffic flow for too long.

He also reminded the public to remain aware of sudden changes in the weather because it has the potential to cause hydrometeorological disasters.

Meanwhile, the Umbulharjo sub-district head Rajwan Taufik said that he immediately coordinated with the Yogyakarta City BPBD and the Fire and Rescue Service to deal with damage caused by strong winds in his area.

"Previously, initial action has also been taken directly by residents and village officials and the Disaster Resilient Village (KTB) in the local area," he said.

Based on BMKG estimates, the start of the dry season in the Special Region of Yogyakarta occurred in May with the peak of the dry season occurring in July and August with the nature of the rain during the dry season being generally above normal except for certain areas such as eastern and southern Sleman, eastern Bantul and Mount North South is expected to rain normally.

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