JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya is again preparing a traffic transfer scheme around the State Palace. This scheme is carried out in anticipation of demonstrations on Monday, October 12.

Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said, the scheme prepared was no different from the previous one. At least there are 7 diversion of traffic flow.

"Yes, it is the same as the previous traffic flow diversion scheme," Sambodo told reporters, Monday, October 12.

For the traffic flow scheme, vehicles passing from Jalan Veteran Raya to Jalan Veteran III will be directed straight to the Harmoni traffic light (TL).

Then, vehicles from the direction of Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur heading to Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara are directed to turn to Jalan Perwira.

For vehicles from the direction of Jalan Ridwan Rais heading to Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, it is straightened to Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur. Furthermore, vehicles from Jalan MH Thamrin heading to the Horse Statue Roundabout will be directed to turn onto Jalan Kebon Sirih.

Vehicles from Jalan Abdul Muis that will turn left to Jalan Budi Kem Mulia will be directed to go straight to Jalan Fachrudin. Meanwhile, vehicles from Jalan Fachrudin turning to Jalan Budi Kemerdekaan were directed to Jalb Abdul Muis

Furthermore, vehicles from Jalan Tanah Abang II leading to Jalan Museum will be asked to turn left or right.

Vehicles from Jalan Maapahit that turn to Jalan Museum are directed to Jalan Abdul Muis. Meanwhile, vehicles from Jalan Abdul Muis that will turn right onto Jalan Museum will be aligned to Jalan Majapahit.

Finally, the vehicle from the direction of Hayam Wuruk going straight to Jalan Majapahit will be diverted to Jalan Juanda. Drivers from Jalan Veteran Raya heading to Jalan Majapahit are asked to direct their vehicles to Jalan Suryo Pranoto or Jalan Gajah Mada.

The application of this scheme depends on the situation and conditions in the field. Later, the current diversion will only take place when the road sections begin to fill with demonstrators.

"For the implementation of this traffic flow diversion scheme, it is siteional," he said.

For your information, this demonstration is related to the rejection of the ratification of the Work Creation Omnibud Law. The protesters came from BEM All Indonesia (SI) students and workers.

As for the demonstrations that ended in chaos on 7 and 8 October. Until finally, thousands of rioters were arrested and some of them were named suspects.

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