WEST BANGKA - The West Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force, Bangka Belitung Islands, noted that in the last four days there had been no active patients.

"For additional cases of residents who were confirmed positive for COVID-19, which we recorded last occurred on April 22, 2022 and four days ago, they were declared cured. Meanwhile, for patients who have been required to isolate for four days, there are no more," said the spokesperson for the District COVIUD-19 Handling Task Force. West Bangka M. Putra Kusuma quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 4.

Although there are no cases, the public is asked to remain vigilant and disciplined in carrying out health protocols, at least by wearing masks when doing activities outside the home and avoiding crowds.

"The potential for transmission is still possible because at this time the COVID-19 pandemic is still going on. For that reason, keep implementing health protocols starting from yourself and your family," he said.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, in West Bangka Regency as a whole, 7,052 cases of residents were confirmed positive for COVID-19, 160 people died and 6,892 or 97.73 percent were declared cured.

"We hope that this situation will continue to be maintained, along with the government's efforts to accelerate the number of vaccination coverage so that it can form communal immunity in this area," he said.

Vaccination, he said, is believed to increase the immunity of residents so that when they contract the virus, they do not cause severe symptoms or even die.

Residents who have not received COVID-19 vaccination services are asked to immediately visit the nearest health service unit outlet.

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