MEDAN - Viral rice theft at the Syarifaturrahman Mosque in Medan. The perpetrator had been treated at the Mahoni Mental Hospital.

The West Medan Police Team previously checked into the mosque and met the mosque's nazir, Azhar. Azhar confirmed the viral information on the theft at the Syarifaturrahman Mosque, Jalan Sekata Gang Nusa Indah, West Medan.

Azhar said the rice that was taken by the perpetrators had been returned by the perpetrator's son to the mosque. From here it is known, the perpetrator of the rice theft at this mosque was treated at the Mahoni Hospital.

"Problem solving has been carried out by the Criminal Investigation Unit between the perpetrators and the Syarifaturrahman Mosque BKM. The problem solving was witnessed and attended by the two perpetrators' children and the BKM Masjid, the Head of the Environment. The Syarifaturrahman Mosque BKM has forgiven and has no objection to the incident, and will not prosecute the perpetrators," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Sondy Raharjanto, quoted from a written statement, Monday, May 2.

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