MATARAM - The Mataram Class IIA Penitentiary, West Nusa Tenggara, proposed that as many as 587 inmates receive special remissions or cuts from their criminal period on Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri. We propose to get a special holiday remission," said Head of Mataram Class IIA Prison Ketut Akbar Herry Achjar in Mataram, Saturday 30 April. 2022. There are two categories of recipients of special holiday remissions, namely RK-1 and RK-2. For prisoners who get special remission, but are still serving the remainder of the sentence, it is included in the RK-1 category. While RK-2, for those who are immediately released after receiving special remissions. For the Mataram Class IIA Prison, continued Akbar, of the proposed 587 inmates, four of them fall into the RK-2 category. Later, he said, if the RK-2 proposal for the four prisoners was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights, they could immediately go home and gather to enjoy the Eid atmosphere with their families in their respective homes, after received a special remission on the day of the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri. Regarding the information on the proposed special remission for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri, this content was also broadcast through the YouTube channel of the Mataram Class IIA Prison with the content title "Inmates Get THR? Really?". program with a siniar concept (Podcast) by Public Relations of Class IIA Mataram Lapas Agus Fujianto with resource persons Head of the Section for Guidance of Prisoners/Protects of Class IIA Matar Prisons am Sofian Hadi Sasmita.

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