JAKARTA - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Suharyanto said that at the end of April 2022, extreme weather events will dominate parts of Indonesia.

In the press conference "Preparedness for Safe Homecoming and Healthy Homecoming" which was attended online in Jakarta, Thursday, Suharyanto said that although the incidence of flooding had decreased, the most prominent thing was the extreme weather.

"This extreme weather has recently dominated areas in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 28.

The former Pangdam V/Brawijaya said that as of April 28, 2022, there have been 1,391 disasters, and the flood disaster still dominates.

It was stated that 541 times of floods occurred, then 256 landslides, and extreme weather which was almost the same as flooding, which was 508 times.

"Then the impact of natural disasters in 2022, until April, many people have died. There have been 84 people who have died, even up to 1,811,788 people have been forced to suffer and have to evacuate," he said.

Suharyanto said BNPB has mapped the entire territory of Indonesia in relation to areas affected by flooding, which are still dominated by Java, parts of Sumatra and parts of Kalimantan.

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