JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) has deployed 300 personnel to secure the implementation of Eid prayers or Eid al-Fitr 1443 H at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), North Jakarta.

"We are alerting them at the entrance to JIS, including the flow of people," said Jakarta Satpol PP Head Arifin, quoting Antara, Thursday, April 28.

In addition to regulating the flow of congregants who will perform Eid al-Fitr prayers at JIS, the officers also issued an appeal to the congregation to maintain health protocols, including wearing masks and keeping a distance so that they are not too close together.

"So that the implementation is more orderly and orderly in carrying out Eid prayers at JIS," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Mental Spiritual Division of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Mental Spiritual and Educational Bureau (Dikmental) Aceng Zaini said that he had provided capacity for 14,000 people.

They will be placed on the main west side, then south and north of JIS which is located on an area of 23 hectares.

Meanwhile, during the takbiran night, the DKI Provincial Government held a Drumming Festival at JIS.

DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Marullah Matali said the participants of the Takbiran Night Bedug Festival came from five administrative cities in Jakarta.

The locations that will be used for the Takbiran Night Bedug Festival and Eid prayers are on the west and south sides.

"People are also advised not to walk around in areas within the JIS and can immediately return to their respective homes after the activity to reduce crowds," said Marullah.

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