JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin supports the development of the Baiturrahim Grand Mosque in Jayapura, Papua, which is an icon of Muslims in Papua.

“The Baiturahim Jayapura Mosque is an icon of Muslims in Papua. Therefore, its existence must be maintained, not only as a place of worship, but also as a place for various other activities, including community development," said the Vice President when receiving the management of the Baiturrahim Great Mosque in Jayapura, Papua, via video conference, in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

The vice president explained that the development of the Baiturrahim Great Mosque in Papua needs to present mosque functions that are in contact with education, economic empowerment, or health services. One alternative for developing a mosque can be the establishment of a work training center (BLK).

"Later we will propose that if there is still land, a work training center is made for exercises that are the control of the Baiturrahim Mosque. I hope that in the future, so that it can be managed properly,” he explained.

The vice president hopes that the Baiturrahim Grand Mosque in Papua can function properly like the mosques built by the Prophet in Medina, Madinatul Munawwarah, Prophet's Mosque.

"It is also a center for Islamic activities and development which is very influential in the context of developing Islamic teachings," continued the Vice President.

Ma'ruf Amin added that Papua is one of the pilot areas for inter-religious harmony in Indonesia. Therefore, in spreading its da'wah, the Baiturrahim Papua Grand Mosque needs to prioritize narratives of harmony.

"I ask for the da'wah that is carried out at the Baiturrahim Mosque, da'wah that is narratives or expressions of harmony so that it does not cause noise and build cooperation with other religions," he said.

The vice president also invited all components of the nation in Papua not to pass on conflict and hostility to the younger generation, but peace and prosperity.

"Therefore, I ask for help from all, including tribal chiefs, how to make the Papuan people prosperous, safe, and peaceful," said Ma'ruf Amin.

Chairman of the Baiturrahim Papua Grand Mosque Management Abdul Kahar Yelipele explained that the Baiturrahim Papua Grand Mosque was built in 1971 and has been renovated since 2006 because he saw the enthusiasm of the Papuan people towards the teachings of Islam. The current construction progress is about 95 percent.

“This mosque still requires money for the construction of the fence behind the mosque and the minaret. I want this mosque, as a miniature of the mosque for all Muslims in Papua, to become a magnificent and beautiful mosque,” said Kahar.

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