JAKARTA - Grab Indonesia is dogged by cases of alleged ill-treatment and attempts to expel persons with disabilities who fulfill the company's interview call with the on-demand service platform. The case went viral on Twitter social media on Tuesday, April 26 yesterday.

Regarding the alleged unpleasant treatment of prospective partner applicants who are deaf, Grab Indonesia admitted that it had conducted an internal investigation.

"Grab Indonesia is conducting an internal investigation regarding the incident experienced by one of Grab's prospective partners in Cakung (East Jakarta) on April 26, 2022," said the company's official statement, quoted from Grab Indonesia's Instagram account, @grabid.

Based on a preliminary investigation, Grab Indonesia has decided to release the employee suspected of being involved in this case. The preliminary findings from the Grab Indonesia investigation in the last 24 hours are as follows:

1. Grab found that there was a procedural error in the field, and for that he expressed his deepest apologies to him for what happened.

2. The Grab employee concerned has now been relieved of his duties, while the investigation process is ongoing. The investigation process will be completed no later than the next (3) three days and the results will be informed to the public.

3. Grab contacted the prospective partner on April 26, 2022 to apologize and request to meet in person, as well as coordinate with the Movement for the Welfare of the Deaf Indonesia (GERKATIN).

Prospective partners have expressed their willingness to meet with representatives of Grab Indonesia today, 27 April 2022, as part of our evaluation and correction process to improve services for Teman Tuli partners.

4. The online registration procedure for community-based partners with disabilities that has been running so far will be improved, including by:

- Increase the publication of information on special pathways for registration of partners with disabilities, to minimize the possibility of procedural errors in the field.

- Complete partner registration forms to ensure more effective services for potential partners with disabilities.

- Both of the above will be implemented in the next (3) three days.

5. Renewal of procedures and internal training for Grab employees who are tasked with serving partners and potential partners with disabilities, which will be carried out in stages over the next (3) three months.

6. Complete the recruitment locations for prospective driver partners and MSMEs, including the Grab Driver Center by:

- Adding information boards that make it easier for potential partners with disabilities.

- Added a schedule for the presence of a sign language interpreter to help facilitate the recruitment process for prospective partners with disabilities who come to Grab recruitment locations.

- All these things will be implemented in the next month.

7. Grab continues to consult with GERKATIN and the Indonesian Women with Disabilities Association (HWDI) on the implementation of partnership programs with persons with disabilities, including the implementation of all of the above program improvement initiatives.

Regarding this case, Grab Indonesia stated that with the recruitment program for partners with disabilities that had been running for five years, this incident should have been avoided.

We must and will run this program better, as part of our corporate responsibility.

Grab always upholds professionalism based on humanity in all aspects of our operations and is always open to receiving suggestions and criticisms from all parties to continue to improve this program, in order to create services that are inclusive for all.

Previously, it was alleged that a person with a disability had received unpleasant treatment until he was expelled while fulfilling an interview call for Grab Indonesia. This case went viral after Instagram accounts named Amanda, @amanda_farliany and Tonan, @tonandaputra, wrote an open letter to Grab Indonesia regarding the incident.

"I am disappointed with the bad service to my husband @tonandaputra at the @grabid Cakung partner registration area. Of course I can't accept that," wrote a caption in the upload on Amanda's Instagram account.

Amanda explained the chronology, starting when her husband, Tonan, wanted to show an interview invitation letter and was met with a Grab Indonesia security guard, a Cakung partner. "Which again seems not to be accepted with a sour face, and an angry face," said Amanda.

When her husband showed the contents of the message from his cellphone containing an interview invitation, Tonan was asked to read it clearly and aloud. Tonan did not dodge, he followed him. Even tested by being called repeatedly from a distance, called by clapping loudly, as if testing the hearing of Tonan who is deaf.

"After that, I was even told that there were no vacancies for Deaf disabilities. I swear, I'm really annoyed," continued Amanda.

Amanda hopes that the open letter that she and her husband wrote can be a lesson for Grab Indonesia to have more respect for people with disabilities in the world of work or in the community.

"Hopefully this will be a lesson for @grabid in the future, it will be better, being able to provide access and disability-friendly public facilities," concluded Amanda.

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