JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi said the fluctuations in public satisfaction with the performance of the President and Vice President were influenced by cyclical national issues.

This was conveyed by Masduki regarding the results of the Indonesian Political Indicators Survey which showed public satisfaction with the performance of the President at 60 percent and the Vice President at 45.2 percent or experiencing a decline.

"The fluctuation in public satisfaction is influenced by cyclical national issues," Masduki said in a press release in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

For example, he said, the current decline in public satisfaction is very likely due to the issue of cooking oil, rising fuel prices, and food prices. In addition, there are issues that have been deliberately raised by certain parties regarding the postponement of the 2024 presidential election.

He conveyed the problems and issues that exist in the midst of state life, it is very natural to give negative sentiments towards the government as evidenced in the survey results.

However, he observed that the public gave a positive appreciation when the government provided concrete solutions. For example, in early 2022, based on the Political Indicator Survey, public satisfaction with the performance of President Joko Widodo was 71 percent and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin 57.6 percent or reached a record high.

According to Masduki, at that time the public felt how the government had managed to significantly cope with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy began to swell.

“The Indicator Survey shows that the President and the Vice President are working in the same rhythm. When public satisfaction goes up, the two are together, as well as when it goes down. Come down together," said Masduki.

Masduki believes that in the future, public satisfaction will increase again, along with solutions issued by the government in solving various existing problems.

Regarding the considerable difference between public satisfaction with the President and the Vice President, Masduki considers it a natural thing.

"It is not natural that the public's satisfaction with the vice president is higher than the president," said Masduki.

Masduki explained that the vice president did not have a function as an executioner but only coordination.

He emphasized that all the things discussed and decided in the coordination meeting chaired by the Vice President, were executed by the ministry/institution so it is natural for the public to judge the ministry/institution that is working to do something, not the vice president.

Masduki said the vice president was not intimidated by the declining survey results. Likewise, they will not pat their chests when the results of the public satisfaction survey increase.

"What is certain is that in the remaining 2 years of his service, the Vice President will focus on completing tasks according to his mandate, such as developing the sharia economy, handling poverty/stunting, developing Papua's welfare, completing bureaucratic reform and public services, strengthening MSMEs, to religious moderation. " he explained.

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