JAKARTA - AS (17), a teenager who was desperate to kill a young woman with the initials TM (21) in a boarding house in the Kemayoran area regrets her actions. In addition to raping TM, AS also covered the victim's face until she couldn't breathe.

"I want to apologize for my behavior," AS said while regretting his actions.

AS admitted that he had participated in raping TM in a vile way because his curiosity was so high.

"My victim was raped, three times," AS admitted to VOI, Monday, April 25.

Previously, it was reported that the rape and murder of TM (21) began on Friday, April 22, at night, around 23.30 WIB.

That night, the victim TM was resting in his boarding room located on Jalan Sumur Batu, RW 02, Sumur Batu Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta.

"Suddenly, the victim's boyfriend with the initials MBA alias Ale (19) came by secretly opening the bedroom door," said Head of Criminal Investigation at the Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Wisnu Wardana to VOI, Monday, April 25.

Then the two fellow suspects with the initials AK (19) and AS (17) entered the victim's boarding room. The three immediately raped the victim who was resting.

According to the suspect, MBA alias Ale (19), the victim's lover, he was involved in the rape. Even though the victim is his future wife.

"I just kept my mouth shut and raped it," Ale told VOI.

Ale admitted that he had been in a relationship with TM's victim for a long time, even Ale admitted that he was already engaged to TM.

"(victim) Open BO via the Michat application. Already know (victim opened open BO sex service), I know myself and my friends. Yes, I am disappointed, just hurt," I suspect Ale loudly while bowing his head.

Ale admitted that he did not kill the victim, but only covered the mouth of the victim.

"He was the one who killed. He (US) was AK's friend. The one who killed the US," he concluded.

As a result of their actions, the three suspects were charged with Article 285 of the Criminal Code, 170 paragraph 2 letter 3 and in conjunction with Article 338 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a sentence of more than 13 years in prison.

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