JAMBI - Jambi's Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has increased supervision of food products at several distributors and traditional markets during Ramadan to ensure that people get proper and safe consumer goods.
"Increased supervision is carried out to ensure the safety of food products circulating and suitable for consumption during Ramadan", said the Coordinator of the Jambi BPOM Inspection Function Group, Lenggo Vivirianty, in Jambi on Monday, April 25.
There are at least 60 facilities targeted for intensive supervision by BPOM Jambi until Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri, including distributors, supermarkets, traditional markets, and parcel sellers. Supervision is carried out on parcel sellers to ensure that the food products used as Eid gifts are by the provisions and ensure that the product expiration date is long enough.
This intensive supervision includes processed food without a distribution permit, supervision of product packagings such as cans that are dented and rusty to monitoring the expiration date.
The findings were followed up by directly destroying them by BPOM at supermarket locations. "Some damaged goods if there is an agreement with the distributor regarding 'return' can be shown", said Lenggo Vivirianty.
About these findings, BPOM Jambi has given a warning in the form of a warning letter so that supermarkets can increase their independent supervision of circulating products. food and drug packaging products.
Thus, it is hoped that the public can avoid drugs and foods that are dangerous or do not meet the consumption requirements.
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