JAKARTA - The National Police said that the cases of cheating on the candidate test for state civil servants (CASN) that were revealed in several regions, especially Sulawesi, were controlled by certain syndicates. However, the mastermind behind it is still being investigated.

"It is clear that at the Polda in the Sulawesi region, it has been revealed that there is a syndicate. The involvement of the players is between the Polda Sultra, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and South Sulawesi," said Head of the RenOps Bareskrim Polri Kombes M. Samsu Arifin to reporters, Monday, 25 April.

The existence of a syndicate behind the case is based on the results of a temporary investigation and investigation. Moreover, there are two suspects who are the Head of the Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM). They served in the districts of Buol and North Kolaka.

In fact, this CASN fraud has been going on for quite a long time. According to the suspect's statement, they had been acting since 4 years ago.

"From some of the suspects' statements, they have been playing since 2018," said Samsu.

However, the controlling figure is still being investigated. Exploration will be carried out by digging up the information of the suspects and tracing the flow of funds.

Because, it is possible for this syndicate to use a deposit scheme. That is, they will deposit money to the controller of the syndicate.

"We are still investigating this (the mastermind behind it)," said Samsu. The CASN Anti-KKN (Corruption Collusion and Nepotism Corruption for Candidates for State Civil Apparatus) Bareskrim Polri arrested 30 people in cases of fraudulent selection of ASN admissions.

The cases were disclosed in West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and Lampung

Especially for South Sulawesi, Makassar, Tana Toraja, Sidrap, Palopo, Luwu and Enrekang.

From that disclosure, the mode used is remote access. Its function is so that the computers of the CASNs can be operated by the suspects.

The suspects, they are suspected of Article 46 Juncto Article 30, Article 48 Juncto Article 32, and Article 50 Juncto Article 34 of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

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