JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR, Jazilul Fawaid regretted the summons of singer, Rossa, who had to bear the burden of returning the Rp172 million honorarium from DNA Pro. Jazilul questioned who would compensate Rossa if the money was confiscated by the police. "Then who will compensate Rossa and her friends for providing their professional services as singers or artists?" said Jazilul, Monday, April 25.

However, the member of Commission III of the DPR believes that investigators from the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police are also professionals in handling cases of the DNA Pro trading robot. "We are sure that investigators will work carefully and professionally," he said. This is because the PKB vice president suspected that the artists could be trapped in the DNA Pro trap. Thus, all parties must wait for the legal process to complete. "It is very possible for these artists to become victims of DNA Pro or be involved in a trap. We'll just have to wait for the legal process to be complete," said Jazilul.

Previously, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, assessed that the confiscation of singer Rossa's honorarium related to the DNA Pro trading robot case was inappropriate. The reason is, Rossa only carries out her duties as an art worker professionally.

"It's impossible for art workers to share the burden. He only performs events professionally, not involved in his criminal practices," said Dasco in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday, April 23.

The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party also regretted the confiscation of the honorarium of the art workers, because they did not participate in the modus operandi of crime. But just fill the entertainment at an event.

"It's not just Rossa, I want all art workers to be protected. Don't let those who have been earning a living professionally with clear contracts even be linked, even to the point of having their work fees confiscated, sorry for them," said Dasco.

It is known that singer Rossa was summoned by the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters regarding the fraudulent investment case and the DNA Pro trading robot, Thursday, April 21. Rossa has also handed over to the Bareskrim investigators Rp. 172 million from DNA Pro.

The money is an honorarium received by Rossa when filling out the DNA Pro event in December 2021 in Bali, after deducting production costs. In the event held by DNA Pro, the singer from Sumedang performed a song at the event.

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