JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 as of today. The cumulative total of cases stands at 6,044,150 since the first cases were announced on March 2. Meanwhile, new cases per day reached 382 people.

Meanwhile, the number of recovered cases today increased by 2,168 people, bringing the total to 5,870,419 recovered. Meanwhile, the positive confirmed cases who died increased by 33 people and a total of 156,100 people.

Meanwhile, the province with the newest cases was DKI Jakarta with 135 new cases and a total of 1,246,914 cases. Consists of 124 local transmissions and 11 overseas travelers (PPLN).

Followed by West Java with 60 new cases and a total of 1,104,976 cases. It consists of 60 local transmissions and 0 PPLN.

Then, East Java with 33 new cases and a total of 575,334 cases. Consists of local transmission 33 and 0 PPLN.

Next is Banten with 28 new cases and a total of 292,132 recorded cases. Consists of local transmission 28 and 0 PPLN.

Then, West Papua 27 with new cases and a total of 31,328 cases recorded. Consists of local transmission 27 and 0 PPLN.

Then, Bali with 18 new cases, and a total of 152,216 cases were recorded. Consists of local transmission 18 and 0 PPLN.

The province with the most recovered cases today belongs to West Java with an increase of 1,222 cases. Then, followed by DKI Jakarta with 250 recovered cases. Then, Central Java with an additional 223 cases, and Banten had 154 cases recovered.

"The highest death cases were in West Java with 11 people. Then in Central Java with 9 people", according to data from the Ministry of Health, Sunday, April 24.

In addition, the number of specimens that have been examined per day is 94,588. Meanwhile, cumulatively it reached 94,904,806. As for the details, 40,061,383 were examined by RT-PCR, 284,001 by the TMC method, and 54,559,422 people were tested for antigen.

"For the number of people suspected of contracting COVID-19 or currently categorized as suspected cases, it was recorded at 2,159 people", it wrote.

Then, the weekly positivity rate for people from April 17 to 23, 2022 is 9.68 percent. Meanwhile, the daily positivity rate for people is 0.52 percent.

Currently, the number of people who have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination has increased by 69,208 and the total has reached 198,900,322 people, and the second dose of vaccination has increased by 79,188, the cumulative total reaching 163,954,030. Then the third dose of vaccination increased by 158,649 and the total reached 35,005,482. Meanwhile, the vaccination target reached 208,265,720 people.

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