BOGOR - West Java Regional Police said they are ready to follow up on allegations of illegal levies (extortion) at Pasar Baru Bogor if the investigation continues, following a public complaint to President Jokowi on Thursday, April 21.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo, said that the police are committed to cracking down on extortion and thuggery and will not be given space.

"Maybe if there is an investigation related to this condition, we will follow up", he said during a press conference at the Bogor City Police Headquarters, Jalan Captain Muslihat, Paledang Village, Central Bogor District, reported by Antara, Saturday, April 23.

Ibrahim explained that from the time of the investigative audit of the beating case that caused Ujang Sarjana to be detained by the Bogor City Police until now in the trial process, the West Java Police were purely concerned with the process of handling the case.

Meanwhile, according to a complaint by Ujang's relatives to President Jokowi, he had been detained for three months for refusing extortion and instead became a suspect.

"At the time of the audit, this investigation was more natural in the process of handling existing abuse cases. So it did not include the causes of the problems that existed there first", he also said.

However, Ibrahim said, if there are additional related extortion, this is the authority of the saber extortion team run by West Java Regional Police Supervision Inspector, Commissioner Nurcholis as chief executive of the daily.

"This is all stakeholders in West Java will carry out the saber of extortion. This is part of the steps to make arrangements related to social problems and become our means to eradicate extortion in the field", he said again.

This case emerged to the public after a viral video on social media showed two traders, namely their mothers and brothers shouting at President Jokowi and Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung, at Bogor Market on Thursday, April 21.

They asked President Jokowi to help free his uncle, Ujang Sarjana, who was detained for refusing extortion.

However, the Bogor City Police will immediately hold a press conference to explain the problem that actually ensnared Ujang Sarjana, namely the beating of two mineral water and cigarette traders named Andriansyah and Agus Susanto on Friday, November 26, 2021, at 02.30 WIB.

Previously, the Head of Bogor City Civil Service Police Unit, Agustian Syach, said that women who claimed to be relatives of Ujang Sarjana who was detained by the police for refusing illegal levies (extortion) and complaining to President Jokowi, had told lies.

He said these women were often the spokespersons for Ujang Sarjana when controlling the Bogor City Civil Service Police Unit.

Agustiansyah is also committed to taking firm action against his members who dare to commit extortion.

"If any of my members play extortion, I say I will fire him. Is he a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or is he a Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWT)? I have fired five of my members this year. Three (of them) are PKWT and one civil servant", he also said.

Agus said they were fired because one person committed extortion, and four people were due to service issues.

"I'm not kidding about this extortion", he emphasized.

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