YOGYAKARTA - Around four million vehicles are predicted to enter the Special Region of Yogyakarta during the Lebaran 2022 homecoming moment. The local Transportation Service (Dishub) estimates that traffic congestion will occur.

"This calculation is only a rough estimate based on the potential of homecomers this year," said Head of the Yogyakarta City Transportation Service Agus Arif in Yogyakarta, Saturday, April 23.

Based on a study by the Ministry of Transportation, there will be around 85 million people traveling back and forth on Lebaran this year and around 20 percent of them will go to Yogyakarta or around 16 million people.

If each private vehicle is filled with four people, it is estimated that around four million vehicles will enter Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta.

"The large number of homecomers who will enter Yogyakarta is not only due to Yogyakarta as a homecoming destination to stay in touch with family but also as a tourist destination," he said, quoted from Antara.

The increase in the volume of vehicles entering Yogyakarta is expected to occur after Eid starting on D+2 or D+3.

"With the increase in the volume of incoming vehicles, it will have the potential to increase traffic density in the city of Yogyakarta, especially in tourist destinations and souvenir centers," he added.

Agus said that he always coordinates with the Yogyakarta Police to regulate the smooth flow of traffic so that even though it is crowded, it will still flow.

“Yogyakarta city is not too wide so road capacity is limited. So if there are four million vehicles that enter, it will obviously not be accommodated," he said.

Therefore, Agus advises tourists to choose the option of getting around to enjoying tourist destinations in Yogyakarta by public transportation, either public transportation that routes such as TransJogja or using online vehicles.

“Vehicles can be parked at the airport and then switch to public transportation. So, when you are in Yogyakarta, you don't need to think about parking locations. I think this choice can be considered by tourists," he said.

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