KUDUS - The Ministry of Religion of Kudus Regency, Central Java, appealed to people in local areas not to hold mobile takbirs to anticipate unwanted things and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"We are still conducting socialization regarding the appeal so that people do not hold mobile takbirs. We have also distributed circulars to a number of parties," said Head of the Kudus Regency Ministry of Religion Office, Suhadi in Kudus, Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

If someone continues to hold a round takbir, he said, then the Kudus Satpol PP will take action.

In a circular letter from the Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Kudus Regency dated April 20, 2022 addressed to the chairman of the Muhammadiyah, NU, and mosque takmir or mushalla officials, it contains an invitation to recite takbir, tahlil, tahmid and tasbih in mosques, prayer rooms and their respective homes.

In proclaiming the takbir, he said, one should also maintain the peace and conduciveness of the people.

Meanwhile, the Eid prayer 1 Syawal 143 Hijriah can be carried out in mosques or open fields by observing health protocols, starting from washing hands, wearing masks and maintaining distance.

The regent of Kudus Hartopo, who previously allowed traveling takbirs, with the circular letter also invited the public to comply.

"Because the Holy Ministry of Religion has appealed that there be no traveling takbirs, the district government will also follow suit," he said.

He admitted that previously he had allowed traveling takbirs as long as there had not been a circular from the center, but because there was already a circular from the Holy Religious Ministry Office, it needed to be followed.

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