SURABAYA - The East Java Regional Police are focused on overseeing four lanes in the local area that will be used by travelers to welcome Idul Fitri 1443 Hijri.

East Java Police Traffic Director Kombes Latif Usman said the four lanes are the northern coast lane, the Bojonegoro middle lane, the toll road and the south lane.

"Well, this is all heading to the eastern region, relying on Malang, Surabaya to Banyuwangi. But remember that Surabaya is a movement of people who will return home," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

One of the measures taken, he said, is the addition of infrastructure, such as the bridge in Lamongan, which is now passable.

Commissioner Latif said that what needs to be prepared on toll roads is to provide facilities in the form of command posts at rest areas.

"On the toll road, we are really preparing ourselves. There are a total of 23 rest areas, and how can people who travel long distances through East Java be comfortable," he continued.

Not only rest areas, but the former Director of Traffic of the Yogyakarta Regional Police also said that the Ditlantas of the East Java Police had mapped vulnerable toll points.

"There are at least seven toll points that need to be watched out for. Such as the Sidoarjo, Kejapanan, Waru Gunung, Singosari, Pandaan toll roads," said Latif.

The vigilance at these points, he continued, was not due to a traffic accident, but rather the potential to cause congestion.

The National Police have also coordinated with managers, including toll road parties, so that there are no queues at toll gates or gates.

"We ask that there should not be a queue of more than 1 kilometer. If it is more then there must be a policy from them, whether it is passed or what. We hope that everything can be anticipated," said Latif.

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